By Julienne
This year we've moved to a new home and are a little closer to school, enabling us to walk to school more often. We took these photos on a walk to school over the weekend, so things are a little less bustling than on the weekdays, but here is the flavor of our commute!

Here are Syklar and Sylvia on our front porch ready to go!
Walking down our street
Continuing on our journey to school
This empty lot is for sale for... almost a million dollars! It's been on the market for a long time...

In front of a place we go for pizza sometimes. We think this is the pizza delivery car.
We usually buy our fruit from Mamadou. He speaks English very well (although we do try to practice our French with him, too)- he taught himself from a book!
Here are S & S at Rue de Ouakam. We cross this street to get to school. It's a lot busier during the week days!
Paintings for sale on Rue de Ouakam
The local bus. They are all this colorful! On weekdays they are packed with people, including people hanging off the back. Sometimes guys will run and jump for it to get on!
These guys make furniture with used metal rods and strips of dried reeds woven together.
 One of the furniture makers at work.
 The local mosque.
 This man repairs shoes. He fixed my ripped-up Keen sandals for something around 40 cents.
 This is a friend of a friend, Maguette. We had gone to the beach with her, then bumped into her on our walk to school.
 Street dogs lounging around.
 We usually cut through this apartment complex. It is mostly university professors and their families who live in this complex. There are often big groups of kids playing in the courtyard.
 At the school gate!
 Ta da! The school playground!
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